
J Trust Bank Wins ICCA Award for 1st The Best Informative Website 2021

Jakarta, 11 June 2021. PT Bank J Trust Indonesia (J Trust Bank) won an award. Economic Review, one of the leading business magazines, elected J Trust Bank as “1st The Best Informative Website 2021 Bank Buku 2 – Public Company” at the Indonesia Corporate Secretary and Corporate Communication Award VI-2021 event on Friday 11 June 2021.

In line with the awards achieved, J Trust Bank is always committed to continuously improve the convenience, availability, and disclosure of information to shareholders and the public by utilizing technological developments through the company’s official website. The existence of a company website is one of the indicators of the Bank’s compliance as regulated in POJK No. 8/POJK.04/2015 concerning the Website of Issuers or Public Companies and is an important part of good corporate governance.

By: jtrust
Source : https://www.jtrustbank.co.id/en/corporate/j-trust-bank-raih-peringkat-1-penghargaan-icca-sebagai-the-best-informative-website-2021